Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Dear Valued Parents,
Please check out the latest news from the Academic affairs, fall term 2012 by clicking the below link.

With regards,
QLA -Academic affairs

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Road to Doha - Webcast broadcast live from Qatar Leadership Academy

Road to Doha student-led webcast broadcast live from
Qatar Leadership Academy

Join us on Wednesday, December 5 at 8am ET for the Road to Doha student-led webcast broadcast live from Qatar Leadership Academy.
The UN Climate Change Conference, COP 18, is set to take place in Doha, Qatar in 2012. Qatar Foundation International (QFI) and Global Nomads Group (GNG) launched a collaborative science-based program, Connecting Cultures, Exploring Science: The Road to Doha 2012. In this program, students from Qatar, the U.S., and Brazil have collaborated on a first ever student-led webcast program focusing on the climate change debate. Since September, the students have researched, traveled and explored the science and policy behind climate change and created their own webcast to be presented in Doha during COP 18.
For reservations please contact us:
Office: +974 44542244
Cell: +974 66566792
Email address: qlapr@qf.org.qa
For more information’s please visit to the links below:

          www.gng.org                                                              www.qla.edu.qa

Sunday, November 18, 2012

العشاء الشهري للأكاديمية

أولياء الأمور الكرام,
نرحب بمشاركتكم  كولي أمر في هذه اللحظات مع أبنائكم بحضوركم العشاء الشهري للأكاديمية وذلك بتحضير طبق لعشرة أشخاص.
التاريخ:20-11-2012 م
الوقت: عند الخامسة والنصف  مساءا
المكان: أكاديمية قطر للقادة – المبنى الأكاديمي .
حضوركم مهما لأبنائكم ولنا
مع قبول فائق الأحترام والتقدير

QLA monthly dinner

Dear QLA parents,
The time for you as a parent to share this moment with your son and support him with your participation to QLA monthly dinner.
Date: 18-11-2012
Time: 05:30 pm
Venue: QLA Campus- Academic Building
Your participation will be important to your son and for us.
Warm regards,

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Messages from the Head of Academic Affairs

Dear Parents,

Eid Mubarak

I cannot believe how fast the first six weeks of school has gone by.  I have had the pleasure of meeting a lot of parents at three events this year: Orientation for new students, the first PTA meeting and the first Parent Dinner held at QLA.  For those of you I haven’t met I look forward to seeing you in person at future school events. I am honored to help deliver a high quality education program for your sons.  My office and staff are available to answer any questions, hear any concerns.  Should you wish to meet in person please email/call the Academic Secretary Muad A. mohammad Makhool at mmakhool@qf.org.qa or 4454 2268 to schedule an appointment.

New students are settling in nicely and old students have seen a number of changes in the Academic Program, which we feel will help them succeed as they move towards graduation.

We are launching a interactive http://qatarleadershipacademy.blogspot.com located at the following link.  This blog will keep you up to date on the day-to-day happenings in the Academy and Student Affairs.  Important Messages and information will be posted to this site. 

Important Academic Changes:
The most important change occurring this year is the higher expectation of academic performance of students.  Students receiving a report of anything less than a “C” will be put into an Academic Intervention Program (AIP).  AIP will commence the second week after the Eid break and run Sunday – Wednesday from 15:20-16:20. Teachers representing all subject areas will be available during these sessions.  Students late or absent from required sessions will be dealt with according to the active behavior policy, which includes: verbal warning, written warning, suspension and possible counseling out of QLA.  QLA is committed to providing every support to help your son achieve academic excellence.

Once again have a wonderful break.

Yours truly,
James Steckart
Head of Academic Affairs
Qatar Leadership Academy